PC report into copyright changes must not be the trojan horse for further attacks on Australian arts


Proposed changes to copyright laws in Australia do nothing to protect artists and devalue their contribution to our society, The Australian Greens say.

"The Productivity Commission's report is more about a establishing a protection racket for the big multi-national corporations like Google, than a genuine response to audience needs or investing in Australian jobs or industry," Greens Arts spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"The Greens will consult with stakeholders on the recommendations of the report and we will consider carefully the details of any legislation put forward by the Government. I urge the Minister to consult widely and fairly with Australian creative industries before any attempt to throw artists and creators under the bus.

"The Greens will fight for proper and genuinely fair protections for artists. We will stand up to the massive lobbying efforts of the big multi-nationals who simply want less rules so they can make more profits off other people's work and then ship their profits overseas.

"It is time that the Federal government started to recognised the genuine and unique value of Australia's creative industry and the work of Australian artists.

"The ideological attack on the Arts in this country needs to stop. If we are to embrace innovation and prepare for a rapidly changing jobs market we need to seriously invest in our creative industries.”

Media Release Arts