PC report shows schools funding must be increased, better targeted


A Productivity Commission draft report, detailing no overall improvement in Australian education standards over the previous decade, shows why we need to implement a sector-blind needs-based schools funding model, the Australian Greens have said.
"It's no surprise that sticking with a broken funding model hasn't done anything to help the students," the Greens' Education spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"Malcolm Turnbull's refusal to back the increased investment and better targeting of funding outlined in the Gonski report shows his government's lack of commitment to Australian children and their education.
"We need to have better schools in Australia and we'll only get that through proper investment and an improved, fairer funding model.
"A decade of delay and deferral of reform under multiple governments has predictably delivered stagnating education outcomes for our children. Thanks to both the Labor and Liberal parties breaking election promises, the essential Gonski reforms have now been abandoned before they could be realised.
"Throwing good money after bad won't yield results and that's why we need to see the Gonski education reforms implemented in full.
"We already know what works and only a sector-blind, needs-based funding model will allow schools across Australia to deliver the results that our children deserve."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760