Plebiscite is a farce and a sham: Greens


The Australian Greens say the marriage equality plebiscite has been exposed as a sham following revelations that coalition MPs may be free to follow plebiscite results in their individual electorates, rather than the national poll.
"This plebiscite is an expensive sham and a farce. Yesterday we were told it won't be binding and today we learn the Liberals are deliberately setting it up to fail," Greens marriage equality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"LGBTI Australians shouldn't be used as pawns in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's desperate attempts to hold onto his job. Poll after poll shows Australians want marriage equality.
"The Greens want to make marriage equality a reality through a vote in the parliament. It's not too late for Mr Turnbull to show some backbone and dump this plebiscite con."