Plebiscite sham snowballs


The shambolic marriage equality plebiscite continues to be exposed as a wasteful and useless exercise after it was revealed some coalition members would abstain from voting on the matter, the Australian Greens say.
"Between some coalition members deciding to abstain from the vote and some choosing to ignore the will of the Australian people, this plebiscite has become a farce of epic proportions," Greens marriage equality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"It is a privilege to be a member of Parliament and help shape this country's laws, so why some LNP members would want to opt-out of that process is baffling. The Australian people, and the LGBTI community, are expecting the Parliament to do its job.
"The Greens want to make marriage equality a reality through a vote in the Parliament. It's not too late for Mr Turnbull to show some backbone and dump this plebiscite con."