Power companies and Libs playing South Australians for fools


South Australians don’t need yet another inquiry into the price of power, they need action now to level the playing field for renewables and crack down on extortionist price gouging by fossil fuel power generators, the Australian Greens have said.

“The people of South Australia don’t need another inquiry, we need action,” South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“For too long, the Liberals and the big power companies have been playing South Australians for fools.

“The privatisation of our electricity supply has failed spectacularly while consistently driving up power bills over the last decade. No amount of distraction and beating up on renewable energy can change that fact.

“Fixing the energy market’s 30-minute settlement rule, making it a 5-minute rule, to level the playing field and give batteries and storage an equal footing will increase competition and drive down costs for consumers. The Liberals are refusing to do that though because their election campaigns are funded, time and time again, by the fossil fuel companies who are driving up the cost of power.

“The game is rigged and South Australians won’t stand for it any longer.

“Talk is cheap but electricity is not. The time for hot-air inquiries from Canberra has well and truly passed and now we need action.”


Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

Media Release Energy