Private schools’ funding windfall must be trimmed: Greens


The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to reduce the amount of funding going to Australia's wealthiest private schools so that the money can go to where it's needed most; the public education sector.
"The wealthiest private schools in Australia have been lining up for ever-increasing handouts over recent years, but now that has to stop," the Greens' education spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"This year alone, the Turnbull Government will give private school students more than triple the funding of their public school counterparts.
"We need to give the finite resources we've got to the schools that need it most and that means some private schools will need to take a haircut.
"The level of education you receive shouldn't be dependent on your postcode or your parents' income.
"Only a true needs-based funding model will give Australian children the future that they deserve."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760