SA hits the jackpot on Tesla deal, time for Turnbull to show his hand


The Australian Greens have welcomed the State Government and Elon Musk’s announcement that a deal to build the world’s largest battery in South Australia will go ahead.

“When Elon Musk laid down the gauntlet to install battery storage in South Australia in 100 days, or it was free, the Greens urged the State Government to double down on this exciting wager,” Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“This has thrust South Australia into the future, as well as putting us on the world map as the home of the largest battery in the world. But now it’s time for Malcolm Turnbull to fix the energy market rules to make the most of this amazing hand we’ve been dealt.

“The ball is now in the Prime Minister’s court – he has the power to fix the market so it can't keep being gamed by the big old power companies who've been screwing SA for too long. This is a win for householders because power prices will be forced down, not to mention a win for the people of Jamestown.

“Until the five-minute rule is fixed, which allows fossil fuel companies to game the system and charge through the nose for electricity, South Australians won’t receive the full benefits that a project like this sets us up for. It’s time for the Prime Minister to back innovation, back big, exciting ideas and make a vital change to our electricity market rules that will give South Australians much needed bill relief. Sure, it will annoy the old dirty power companies, but we dare you to fix the rules.”


Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760

Media Release Science, Research and Innovation Energy