SA Water minister must stand up for our state and the River


Australian Greens Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has written to South Australian Water Minister David Speirs urging him to fight for the delivery of 450GL of water to the river system at the upcoming Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council meeting in Canberra.

“Like so many other South Australians, I urge the State Government to fight for SA and fight for the River. It is up to the Minister to ensure the River is not short-changed on vital environmental flows,” Greens Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"If the 450GL previously promised to South Australia is not locked in at this Friday’s Ministerial Council meeting, the environmental outcomes of the Murray Darling Basin Plan are in serious jeopardy.

“South Australians expect the Marshall Government to stand up for the River, and come home with the water we need. South Australians need to know that David Speirs is on their side, and on the side of communities that rely on a  healthy, thriving river. If he doesn’t stare down the NSW and Victorian State Governments and their allies in the corporate irrigation lobby, he would have failed.

“Any delay in securing and delivering the 450GL must be resisted. It is a core component to the Plan as agreed to by all Basin states, and it’s not an optional, 'bolt-on' extra. Without it, the plan – and the billions of taxpayers’ dollars invested in it – may be rendered ineffective and unsuccessful.

“If Minister Speirs is serious about a healthy Murray, now is the time to stand up and be counted. Your state is relying on you.”

Media Release Water and Murray Darling Basin