Save the Children compensation exposes government’s refugee advocates lies


The government's attempts to blame advocates and support workers for the horrendous situation on Nauru has backfired, with the Immigration Department being forced to pay compensation to Save the Children Australia after accusing its workers of coaching self-harm on the island.
"The situation on Nauru is no one's fault but the government's," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The shameful practice of the government, which is to blame the victims and those advocating for them, has backfired.
"These Save the Children workers were baselessly and unfairly accused of coaching self-harm on Nauru. Earlier this week we saw the government trying it on again, blaming advocates for giving refugees hope before two self-immolated.
"The fact of the matter is that hope is the only thing keeping many of the people on Nauru alive at this stage.
"The government's policy is designed to break people and the Immigration Minister must take responsibility for that."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760