Senate calls on Government to boost availability of HIV prevention drug, PrEP


The Senate has passed a motion by Greens Senator Robert Simms calling on the Government to increase the accessibility of HIV-prevention drug PrEP in the lead up to World AIDS Day.

The Greens would like to see the Government increase the roll-out of trials for those most at risk of HIV transmission and speed up the process of getting PReP approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

"Today's support for this motion puts increased pressure on the Government to act on this issue," said the Greens Sexuality Spokesperson, Senator Robert Simms.

"The current process for getting PrEP approved by the TGA is moving at a glacial pace. With countries like France and the US providing wide-scale access to this drug, Australians have a right to ask why they are being denied access to this effective HIV prevention tool.

"Since assuming my role as Senator, I've received lots of representations from NGOs and members of the community, wanting leadership from government on this issue. Australians should have access to a broad suite of measures to prevent transmission of HIV.
"It is now up to the Government to take steps to see PReP become available. This can be achieved through increased access through trials, as well as implementing reforms to see the TGA prioritise drugs like PReP that will have a positive impact on the community.

Senator Simms' motion also calls for the government to increase trials of other HIV prevention tools including rapid HIV tests and home self-tests.

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508