Senate demands government’s Wilson documents


The Senate has supported a Greens motion ordering the government to table all contracts that it holds with Wilson Security and any information relating to the due diligence process that was undertaken before those contracts were awarded.
"There is a major shadow hanging over the government's dealings with Wilson Security," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The Australian people deserve to know just how many millions of dollars has been pumped into this company that has links to offshore tax havens and the infamous Kwok brothers.
"The government needs to explain what due diligence was undertaken, if any, before Wilson Security was awarded contracts in Australia, Manus Island and on Nauru.
"Wilson Security has an appalling record on Nauru. A culture of intimidation and abuse has festered in the island detention camp under their watch.
"Wilson Security has been shown to have links to dubious businesses, directors convicted of fraud and questionable accounting practices.
"The government must reveal these documents before 9:30am on Thursday or admit to the Australian people why they are so desperate to keep them in the dark."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760
1146 Senator Hanson-Young: To move—That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Prime Minister, no later than 9.30 am on Thursday, 21 April 2016:
(a) any, and all, documents in the Australian Government’s possession, including, and in relation to:
No. 149—19 April 2016 15
(i) any contracts between Broadspectrum (formerly known as Transfield Services) and its subcontractor Wilson Security in relation to operations on Nauru and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea,
(ii) any sub-contracts engaged in by Wilson Security and other entities in relation to operations on Nauru and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, and
(iii) any contracts between the Australian Government and Wilson Security in relation to the Government and its agencies;
(b) any, and all, documents in the Australian Government’s possession pertaining to the procurement and due diligence process undertaken prior to the awarding of any contracts between:
(i) the Australian Government and Broadspectrum, and its subcontractor Wilson Security, in relation to operations on Nauru and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, including Wilson Security’s directorship and or the Kwok family, and
(ii) the Australian Government and Wilson Security in relation to the Government and its agencies, including Wilson Security's directorship and or the Kwok family; and
(c) any, and all, documents in relation to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s internal investigation, and or review, into Wilson Security’s role in relation on Nauru and Manus Island as reported in the Australian on 7 April 2016.