Sending children to Nauru would be child abuse on the PM’s watch


Following today's High Court's decision on offshore detention on Nauru, the Australian Greens have called on the Prime Minister to rule out sending children and their families back there.
"Sending these children to Nauru would be child abuse and Malcolm Turnbull needs to decide whether he is willing to authorise that." the Green's immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The evidence is clear and it's undeniable that Nauru is unsafe for women and children and sending them back would be torture.
"Keeping families on Nauru is untenable and we need to find a better way to protect people who are seeking asylum.
"We must create a fair and efficient system that will bring people here safely and integrate them into the community, so that their families can flourish.
"This is the first major test for the Prime Minister. Will he keep these children safe, where they can thrive and prosper, or will he dump them back on the prison island of Nauru?
"The Immigration Minister has made his position clear. He wants to send these children back to the Hell of Nauru as quickly as possible. For the families and young children who have been caught up in this mess, I hope that doesn't happen.
"Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten both need to make their position on this clear. Do they support the Nauru camp and the plans to send these children there."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760