Solar thermal would create new jobs for Port Augusta


Transitioning to a renewable economy and building a solar thermal plant in the mid-north should be prioritised as Port Augusta's coal-fired power stations are today shut down for good, The Australian Greens say.
"It is a challenging time for the people of Port Augusta with the closure of the coal-fired power stations. My thoughts are with the community at this time and those who have lost their jobs. It's critically important that we look at how we can use the skills and experience of these workers and create new jobs for the region," Greens Senator for South Australia Robert Simms said.
"Building a solar thermal plant would create 1000 construction jobs in a region where they are badly needed. Under the Greens RenewAustralia plan, building a solar thermal plant would set the course to have SA powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030.
"The Greens will continue to stand with the Port Augusta community in their fight to have a solar thermal plant built in their region."