'Sorry' the hardest word for Scott Morrison


Today Scott Morrison, the former Immigration Minister, refused to apologise to Save the Children for the baseless and inaccurate accusations that he levelled at their employees, who were subsequently sacked on Nauru.
"Scott Morrison lied about these workers and, while Australian tax-payers have had to shell out to cover compensation, he still refuses to apologise," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"Sorry truly is the hardest word for Scott Morrison, but it's high time he said it to Save the Children and their staff.
"Rather than doing anything wrong, these workers were the only ones helping the children on Nauru who were being abused by guards while the government was trying to cover up it up.
"It takes a special type of craven cowardice to falsely accuse innocent people of a terrible act and then refuse to apologise once your lies have been revealed.
"Another one of Turnbull's ministers has been caught out lying and he should have the guts to say sorry.
"It's clear that Scott Morrison doesn't care about the truth, these workers or the thousands of people he dumped on Manus Island and Nauru."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760