South Australia dudded by Barnaby Joyce and MDBA


The Murray Darling Basin Authority’s attempt to increase irrigation limits in the northern basin will reduce the already insufficient amount of water heading downstream to South Australia, the Australian Greens have said.
“This is extremely concerning,” the Green’s water spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“There is a critical lack of leadership in this discussion right now. First it was Barnaby Joyce and now it’s the MDBA selling South Australia short.
“These bullies upstream think they can do whatever they want to South Australia, but we’re not going to cop it.
“When it comes to delivering on adequate flows in the Murray, it is clear that as usual, Barnaby doesn’t agree with the science and in teaming up with the MDBA, thinks he can turn off the tap without any consequences.
“As a South Australian Senator I know what a decision like this would mean for our state and I won’t stand for it. I call on all South Australian politicians to reject these recommendations from the Basin Authority out of hand.”
The Australian Greens will move a motion in the Parliament today that;
Calls on the Turnbull Government to deliver the Murray Darling Basin Plan in its entirety, including the additional 450 Gigalitres of environmental water that the science shows is the minimum necessary amount of water diversion required to keep the Murray River healthy, flowing and the mouth open at least 9 out of 10 years as well as the South Australian agricultural sector and environment thriving.
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

Media ReleaseEnvironmentWater and Murray Darling Basin