South Australia hit hard as Labor/Liberal gut ARENA


Ripping half a billion dollars from funding for renewable energy project will hit South Australian jobs and the state's renewables sector hard, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has said.
"Ripping $500m from investment in renewable technology will be devastating for South Australia," Senator Hanson-Young said.
"Right when our state needs more support from the Federal Government, Labor and the Liberals gang up to gut ARENA.
"Projects like the solar thermal plant in Port Augusta, which is facing a funding shortfall of $100m, will bring much needed jobs to regional SA.
"South Australia can lead the nation when it comes to investing in renewable energy and tackling dangerous global warming, but we are being let down by the old parties in Canberra.
"It's time the government stood up to the vested interests of the fossil fuel companies and moved with the times.
"South Australians deserve better than this and I'm disappointed to see Labor and the Liberals ganging up on our state in this way."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760