Statement from Sarah Hanson-Young on SA Greens preselection


It’s terrific that we have passionate Greens members who are keen to put their hand up and participate in our democratic party processes. The wonderful thing about our party is that any and every member has the opportunity to throw their hat in the ring for preselection and it is our members who vote for our elected representatives. Our members are the heart and soul of our party.

I will be seeking their support to recontest the Senate race and represent them at the next election.

I’m proud of the work we have done together in fighting to protect the environment and our renewable energy industry, securing more water for the Murray, standing up for fairness for refugees, and advocating for equality for members of our community often left behind by big business and weak politicians.

I feel privileged that as a woman and a mum, the SA Greens have backed me to stand strong for the rights of our children and future generations to a clean and safe environment, where equality and respect for each other and our planet underlines our values and actions.

Our work is now more important than ever; and as populist politicians and conservative politics offer false hope, conviction and genuine leadership is needed.

Preselection contests are the way that members ensure their senators are not just working hard, but working hard on the issues that matter to them to ensure we remain the home for progressive voters in South Australia.

Greens members know I stand up for our state, our environment and our community. I will always stand up for, and with them.

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