Time to dump the dump


The Greens welcome indications from the State Opposition today that the proposed international high-level nuclear waste dump for South Australia will soon be just a bad dream.

"From Day One, the Greens have said that this project is ill-conceived, economically reckless and posed enormous reputational damage for our State," said Mark Parnell MLC, Parliamentary Leader, Greens SA.

"Following the Citizens' Jury's overwhelming rejection of the dump last weekend, the Government now needs to step in quickly and announce the project to be over.

"One thing that everyone has agreed is that without social consent, the project can't proceed. With the opposition now apparently siding with the Greens, it is clear that Parliament will reject any move to progress a nuclear dump in SA.

"South Australia's economic future should be driven through green jobs, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing and promoting our GM-free fresh produce," concluded Mark Parnell.