Time to give fracking the boot


Today’s report from the Parliamentary Natural Resources Committee into fracking for gas in the South East confirms what the Greens have known for years - that fracking does not have community consent, poses serious risks to the environment and is based on dodgy economics, according to Mark Parnell MLC, Parliamentary Leader, Greens SA.

“The community in the South East has overwhelmingly rejected this industry, with thousands vowing to “Lock the Gate” against gas companies seeking access. I’m glad that the Parliamentary Committee has carefully noted their concerns.

“The announcement by the Liberal Party today that a future Liberal State Government would impose a 10 year moratorium on fracking for gas in the South East is a good first step, but more is needed.

“The Greens will re-introduce legislation to State Parliament to permanently ban fracking for gas in all farming areas, residential areas and conservation areas. It will be a true test of the Liberals’ commitment to this issue when the Bill is called to a vote in the New Year.

“The Government’s recent recognition of the importance of 'community consent' shouldn’t just apply to future nuclear waste dumps, but also to existing threats such as fracking for gas in prime farmland.

“The people of the South East want to grow premium food, fibre and wine rather than risking damage to water, soil, public health and reputation for the sake of uncertain and short term gas profits.

“It’s time the Government listened to the community and supported the Greens’ legislation to protect our precious areas from fracking," concluded Mark Parnell.