Time to let go of the past and back five-minute rule


Australian Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young is calling on Malcolm Turnbull to prove himself as the bold, innovative Prime Minister he purports to be by introducing a “five minute rule” to fix and future-proof the electricity market.

“The Australian Energy Market Commission has backed a transition to a 5-minute rule which would give renewables an even playing field while those old fossil fuel operators and our Prime Minister are clutching at the past,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

 “We were powered by 95 per cent renewables over the weekend, yet South Australians aren’t receiving the full benefits of free wind blowing and sun shining while the Government allows the old guard to game the system.

“We South Australians overwhelmingly support renewable energy and we have solar and wind energy companies lining up to invest in this state with jobs-rich projects.

“The 'five minute rule' is a good first step towards fixing the problem. But we need to get on with it now ­–  we can't waste another three years allowing the old fossil fuel companies to game the system and rip off South Australians.

 “Coal is dead, and it is time the Prime Minister realised this and embraced renewable energy and battery storage as a new framework for the state’s energy security future.”

Media Release Energy