Time for Turnbull to stand up to Abbott on Marriage Equality


The Australian Greens say it is time for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to Tony Abbott and dump the costly and divisive plebiscite on marriage equality. The Prime Minister this morning admitted he doesn't support a plebiscite and is only doing it to appease his predecessor and conservatives in the Government.

"This issue is too important to be left to the mercy of Liberal Party games," Greens Marriage Equality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.

"We now have this crazy scenario where the Prime Minister is promoting a plebiscite he doesn't believe in, to a party room who won't abide by the result.

"Tony Abbott might be out of the Lodge but his ghost is clearly haunting the new Prime Minister. It's time for Mr Turnbull to show some leadership on this issue.

Senator Simms also said Mr Turnbull should take Mr Abbott to task for his attendance at the conservative Christian organisation Alliance Defending Freedom this morning.

"It's appalling that Mr Abbott would use his status as a former Prime Minister to legitimise this gay hate group in this way. It's not good enough for Mr Turnbull to be missing in action on this issue.

"It's time for Mr Abbott to stop imposing his conservative ideology on the Australian community and let love prevail. "

Media contact: Amy Moran 0417 173 508