Turnbull’s pointless plebiscite exposed


The Australian Greens have renewed their calls for PM Malcolm Turnbull to dump the costly and divisive plebiscite on marriage equality following his admission this morning that no Liberal party member would be bound by the result.
"I think most Australians would be scratching their heads this morning. How exactly can the Prime Minister justify spending $160 million on what is in effect a giant opinion poll that isn't even binding on his own members," Greens marriage equality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"To subject the LGBTI community to this ugly and divisive hate campaign would serve no purpose other than to appease the conservative forces on Mr Turnbull's back bench. It's time for some spine from this Prime Minister.
"If the Prime Minister is willing to grant his members a free vote on marriage equality following the plebiscite, why doesn't he just take the plebiscite off the table and let the parliament decide."