UK/Australia trade negotiations should face public scrutiny


The Australian Greens have called on the Turnbull government to end the secrecy around trade negotiations and ensure that any potential deal between the UK and Australia is offered up for public scrutiny before it is agreed to.
"The Australian people deserve to have a say in these significant and secretive international trade deals," the Greens Finance and Trade spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"A public cost-benefit analysis must be undertaken so that Australian voters can understand who will win and who will lose from any possible deal.
"Despite the government's rhetoric, where they claim that recent trade deals will have nothing but positive effects, the Australian trade deficit has ony gotten larger and larger.
"Any deal should be carefully negotiated to guarantee maximum advantage for regular Australian families, not just the Liberal Party's mates in big business and the top end of town."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760