VET reforms failing students shows need to overhaul for-profit sector


The Australian Greens are calling on more support for VET students and increased funding for TAFE amid the continuing failures of the for-profit VET sector.
"The news that up to 24,000 students could be forced by the Phoenix Institute to pay $300 million in course fee loans for an education they won't receive highlights the deficiency in the VET reforms passed by parliament late last year. For as long as we have private for-profit providers receiving public funds, students are at risk of exploitation," Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"While the recent reforms provide some safeguards, they fall well short of the overhauls required. The recent spate of closures of for-profit VET providers and the threat made to Pheonix Institute students show the system is broken.
"The Greens are calling for the Government to help transition students to public sector education. We cannot continue to put the livelihoods and careers of students at risk by pouring taxpayer money into a broken for-profit VET system."
Media contact: Amy Moran 0417 173 508