Young Australians need jobs, not just training


The Australian Greens have called on the Labor and Liberal Parties to properly invest in renewable energy and infrastructure projects to make sure that there are jobs for young people across the country.
"You can have all the training in the world, but if there aren't jobs waiting for young people at the end of it, it won't mean anything," the Greens' youth affairs spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"It's good that Labor's program actually gives training to young people, rather than the Liberals' plan which only offers potentially exploitative and under-paid internships. The difficulty is in ensuring there are jobs there for young people after they've finished their training.
"Neither the Labor nor Liberal Party have a plan to stimulate Australian industry. We need to be investing in renewable energy programs, high speed rail and building affordable housing. If we don't do that, there won't be any jobs for these young people to go into.
"Unemployment, and especially youth unemployment, is a huge issue in my home state of South Australia. That's why we want to super-charge the transition to the renewable economy and the clean, green jobs that go with that."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760