Young people lose out in MYEFO as generation gap worsens


Australian Greens Finance and Youth spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the Turnbull government for its inaction in bridging the generation gap in today’s MYEFO.
“The Turnbull government has done nothing today to tackle looming generational inequality,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
"With budget cuts to services and little to tackle slow wage growth or housing affordability, young Australians remain the big losers under this Government. 
"Steaming ahead with tax cuts to big business, delivering close to no growth dividend for decades, and making no structural changes to raise revenue, the Treasurer and Finance Minister have simply kicked the can down the road. 
"Harborside Mansion Malcolm is giving $50 billion in tax cuts to big business, while young people keep being screwed. 
"Trickle-down economics is a furphy. If the Prime Minister doesn't understand that, he should go ask the young people working casual shifts for crap pay in workplaces all over the country this week, and ask how they are affording Christmas. 
"Prime Minister, spare us a lecture on how paying big corporations will somehow make the workers at the bottom of the ladder better off, and instead start working out how to fix housing affordability.”

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