Youth Unemployment crisis: training, jobs needed


The Australian Greens have called on government and business to outline a path towards reigning in the growing youth unemployment rate in Australia.
"Soaring youth unemployment is a major issue facing our nation," the Greens' Finance and Youth spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"Rather than beating up on young people, calling them lazy and taking away essential income support, the government should be building them a genuine pathway towards employment.
"Offering proper training and supporting the creation of real, sustainable jobs is the only way to overcome the crippling lack of opportunity that young Australians currently face.
"Young Australians should not be used as the scapegoat to explain away the government's lack of direction and vision when it comes to youth unemployment.
"I am ready and willing to work with my colleagues across the Parliament and across party lines to get the best possible outcome for young Australians who are looking for work."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760