Hi, I’m Joanna Wells.
I’m running because diverse communities across Australia need the Greens to push the major parties to do better - for everyone, not just for the big end of town.
I’ve lived most of my life in Boothby and am active in my local community. At the last federal election, I rolled out the Climate Action Now campaign across Boothby, which helped to put action on climate on the agenda with the major parties. I know that many of you are disappointed that Labor has continued to approve new coal and gas projects. A minority government with the Greens playing a role in seats such as Boothby will mean stronger action on climate.
I worked for years as a secondary teacher and now use these highly transferable skills across my campaigning and community work. Listening, advocating, and building community are critically important parts of my everyday life, whether in paid or voluntary roles.
There is no room in Boothby for the politics of division. I am relentlessly optimistic about what we can achieve when we work together as a community and push the major parties to do better. Integrity in politics and intergenerational justice are key issues for me.
The Greens want to put an end to the big handouts to coal, oil and gas corporations, put dental and mental health into Medicare, guarantee free childcare and early childhood education for every family, and stop supermarket price gouging.

Get involved
Volunteer for the SA election campaign
DONATE TO our election Campaign
Contact us
Email: boothby@sa.greens.org.au