Hi, I’m Samuel Moore
I’m running because I believe no matter someone’s background, everyone deserves a roof over their head and access to affordable healthcare.
I’ve lived in Adelaide's north for my entire adult life. Finishing school in Gawler then living in Mawson Lakes before moving out of home and into Golden Grove. I love my community, and I am a firm believer in change and wanting to improve things for our families and those around us. It’s time we push for real change to our healthcare services, housing systems, education sectors, and environmental policies.
I have worked in fast food, retail, and now manage a business. I understand the challenges of working whilst studying, as well as business management during a cost of living crisis.
Politics needs real people representing their communities. Australian politics is filled with career politicians who are listening to corporations and putting the interests of their donors over the needs of their communities. It’s time for that to change. I want to be a representative who fights for you and the issues that matter to all of us.
The Greens want to make corporations and big businesses pay their fair share, so we can fund the things we really need: getting dental and mental health into Medicare, providing free childcare and early childhood education for every family, wiping all student debt, and stopping the interest rate increases to deliver low rate mortgages.
Samuel Moore

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Email: makin@sa.greens.org.au