VicForests' Staff Bullying


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. It has been alleged that an employee at VicForests has been engaging in bullying and harassment of community members on the social media platform Facebook, using the pseudonyms Larry Leadbeater and The Liarbird.

According to the Victorian Public Service Commission, the Victorian public service code of conduct issued under the Public Administration Act 2004 is binding on all public servants, including those staff at state-owned businesses such as VicForests. Considering the abusive behaviour of this VicForests employee is in breach of the Victorian public service code of conduct and therefore may constitute misconduct, what actions will the minister take to ensure this conduct is investigated and the proper disciplinary actions are implemented?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Ms Dunn for her question. Ms Dunn makes some assertions about a Facebook post that I have not seen. If Ms Dunn would be so kind as to provide me with this information, then I will look into it.

Supplementary question

Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I thank the minister for her answer. I would be very happy to provide that information, which is substantial, to her. My supplementary question is: what actions will the minister take to prevent staff at VicForests harassing and bullying members of the public into the future?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I will provide Ms Dunn with a detailed response. Ms Dunn’s assertion in her substantive question was, if I heard correctly, about a contractor as distinct from a VicForests employee. As I indicated, I have not seen the allegedly offensive post, but when Ms Dunn provides that to me I will have a look and respond accordingly.

Ms Dunn — On a point of order, President, just as clarification, the substance of my question was about an employee of VicForests, not a contractor.