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The Greens is powered by people, not corporate profit. We count on everyday people to chip in to fund our campaign.

Become a Member

Join the Greens and help shape our movement. Together, we can create a fairer and more progressive Victoria.

Our plan for Victoria

Our Achievements

Climate Action

Leading the way to phase out coal and gas and power Victoria with 100% renewables

Housing and Equality

Secured more public housing and helped renters get a fairer deal

Protecting Nature

Restoring our environment and kick-starting a recycling revolution

Our People

Our Federal MPs

All around the country, our federal MPs are fighting to build a fairer future for us all.

Our State MPs

Our MPs are your voice in parliament and work hard to make our state the best it can be.

Our Councillors

Meet our Councillors doing amazing work right across Victoria.

Our Vision

Our Policies

Our plan to make big corporations pay their fair share so we can all have a better future.

About Us

Find out how the Greens work in Victoria – our party and philosophy.