Agriculture Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. The sustainability of agriculture and the long term productivity of farming systems depends on the health of underpinning ecological systems. …
Animals Policy
PRINCIPLES We must work towards ending all inhumane treatment of animals 2. Animals are sentient beings capable of feeling and suffering. Their intri…
Arts and Culture Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Artistic expression and creativity are fundamental to vibrant and healthy communities. 2. Everyone should have access to and the right to pa…
PRINCIPLES 1. Victoria’s unique indigenous biodiversity is valuable and must be protected. 2. Bio diverse ecosystems and ecosystem processes sustain Earth…
Bushfires Policy
PRINCIPLES Fire is an integral part of many Australian landscapes but varies in its behaviour, intensity and frequency. Weather plays a critical role in f…
Child Protection Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Government has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of children are upheld according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of …
Climate Change Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Human-induced climate change poses one of the greatest threats to our world in human history and requires urgent local, national and global act…
Democracy and Integrity
Democracy is about more than just elections. Democracy is about elevating everyone’s voice and building the power of the many. A robust and fair liberal parliam…
Disability Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. All people have a right to independence, self-determination and choice in their lives. Disability policy and law is therefore a matter of human…
Education Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. A strong public education system for all stages of life is key to building a just and cohesive society. The opportunity to learn unlocks potent…
Emergency Services
PRINCIPLES 1. Properly staffed and well-resourced emergency services are essential to effectively ensure the safety and security of individuals and communiti…
Energy Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. State and local energy strategies must be based upon the principles of ecological sustainability and social equity. 2. The climate crisis re…
Finance and Public Administration
PRINCIPLES 1. We need a system of governance that benefits the many - not just corporations and the wealthy few - and delivers progressive change and economi…
First Nations peoples
Principles 1. First Nations peoples have a right to self-determination and must be partners in the development and implementation of public policies, program…
PRINCIPLES 1. Victoria's forests must be managed in accordance with the principles of intergenerational equity, the precautionary principle, biodiversity con…
PRINCIPLES 1. Increased gambling has led to increased crime and public cost and must be properly regulated. 2. Governments are responsible for protecting …
Health Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. 2. Victorians should have world's …
Housing and Homelessness
PRINCIPLES 1. Housing is a fundamental human right. 2. The first step towards ending homelessness is to provide housing and 'wrap-around' support programs…
Human Rights Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Human rights are fundamental, universal, indivisible and interdependent, and must be respected, protected and promoted. 2. Cultural, religio…
Industry Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Victoria needs a new economy that works for everyone and centres communities at the heart of a new sustainable industrial strategy. Deindustria…
Justice Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. All Australians have a right to a safe and peaceful existence, free from crime and fear of violence. 2. The rule of law, the protection of h…
Local Government Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. First Nations people have a unique voice and history that must be recognised in local government. 2. Local government is a distinct and esse…
Mental Health Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. People who experience mental illness should live free from stigma and discrimination, with maximum opportunities for inclusion in society. 2…
Multiculturalism Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. The realisation of justice for First Nations people is a foundation for a successful and inclusive multicultural society. 2. Multicultural r…
Older People Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Australian Greens Victoria recognise that our population is ageing, and therefore older people policy impacts on an increasing section of the c…
PRINCIPLES 1. All Land Use Planning decisions must give primacy to social equity, ecological sustainability and public interest – including open space and bi…
Rural and Regional
PREAMBLE The Australian Greens Victoria Rural and Regional Policy should be read in conjunction with our other state and federal policies; this policy draws …
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. All people are entitled to equal protection of the law without discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity o…
Sport and Recreation
PRINCIPLES 1. Sport and recreation are an essential part of Victorian culture. 2. Sport and recreation promote physical and mental health and wellbeing an…
Transport and Freight Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Victoria's transport system must function on principles of ecological sustainability, equity of access, and public control of critical public t…
Waste Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. All people have a right to clean air, fresh water and unpolluted soil. 2. The creation of waste (unwanted or unusable materials, substances …
Water and Inland Aquatic Environments Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Access to clean and adequate water is fundamental to life. 2. Victoria’s freshwater resources are coming under increasing pressure as a resu…
Women and Gender Equality Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. Women and gender diverse people should all enjoy equality with men in all spheres of society and their human rights, experience, knowledge, wor…
Youth Policy
PRINCIPLES 1. All young people have the right to participate, fully and actively, in community life and in the development and implementation of policies and…