Written Adjournment Responses: Pedestrian safety


Raised with:    Minister for Roads and Road Safety

Raised by:       Mr Barber

Raised on:       7 June 2016


The Victorian Government has committed $100 million to target pedestrian and cyclist crashes under the safer cyclists and pedestrians program.

As part of the $100 million commitment, VicRoads, in association with the Transport Accident Commission and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources has developed an investment plan for $25 million to address pedestrian crash issues.

The program will target high fatal and serious pedestrian injury areas. Treatments will be implemented not just in locations where pedestrian injuries are occurring, but also in areas surrounding these locations. The program is expected to be implemented between 2016–17-2017–18, and will focus on 87 areas across Victoria.

It is anticipated that this program will reduce serious pedestrian casualties by almost 20 per cent over a 20 year treatment life, resulting in approximately 400 less serious casualties overall.

The program is not a pedestrian crossing program, although pedestrian crossings may be included as part of the countermeasures implemented. The three crossings mentioned in the Adjournment Debate question are not located in the 87 areas identified for the program.

VicRoads advises me that it is willing to work with the City of Darebin or any other council to assist identifying other programs, under which proposals such as the three mentioned in the Adjournment Debate question, could be considered for funding.

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