ACT Greens welcome release of draft Territory Plan Variations for Woden and Mawson


In welcoming today’s announcement, “Woden Town Centre is in desperate need of renewal, and it is positive to see extensive plans now underway,” ACT Greens Member for Murrumbidgee Caroline Le Couteur said.


Yet Ms Le Couteur highlighted immediate concerns that the draft Woden Territory Plan Variation —unlike that for Mawson–does not include an interim effect.

“Without interim effect, a rush of development applications could undermine the implementation of the Master Plan.”

“The community has been involved in significant consultation in developing the Master Plans and I think it’s only fair that the Plans are comprehensively implemented in the Territory Plan,” Ms Le Couteur said.


“I will be closely examining this proposal over coming days to ensure that the proposed changes to the Territory Plan will implement the planning elements of the master plans, as Minister Gentleman has assured.”


“As a Woden Valley local, I know our community wants public spaces that the Woden community want to spend time in,” Ms Le Couteur said. “This means planning that puts our community first, including appropriate building heights, light rail and bus stops, active transport amenities and street trees.”


Ms Le Couteur emphasised the importance of ensuring community views are heard, and strongly encouraged all residents to contribute to consultations on the draft variations through Your Say.


“Only by ensuring community voices are heard, can we ensure that planning decisions are realised in line with community expectations,” Ms Le Couteur added.


Territory Plan draft variations 344 (Woden Town Centre) and 345 (Mawson Group Centre) are available for comment at until Friday 21 April 2017.

The Master plans and summaries of the master plans are available via the Your Say website.