Caring for Canberra’s unique reserves and waterways


The ACT’s natural environment and the people who work to maintain it will receive an injection of new funding to enhance our precious waterways, parks and reserves.

“The 2020-21 ACT Budget will commit $4.5 million to improving the health of our waterways, tackle weeds and invasive plant species and appoint permanent Ngunnawal rangers to better incorporate traditional knowledge into local land management practices,” Chief Minister and Treasurer Andrew Barr said.

“This budget funding progresses several ACT Government commitments in the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement of the 10th Legislative Assembly.”

Quotes attributable to Rebecca Vassarotti, Minister for Environment:

“Caring for Country and investing in the health of our land, water and native species is an investment in our own wellbeing,” Minister for the Environment Rebecca Vassarotti said.

“As we experienced during the Black Summer bushfires, our health and wellbeing depends on a healthy environment and increasing our resilience to climate change.

“So many Canberrans care deeply about our environment and this Budget will support local people and organisations including Parkcare to continue their incredible work.”

Quotes attributable to Mick Gentleman, Minister for Planning and Land Management:

Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman said the La Nina weather system presented new management challenges for parks and reserves, making it easier for invasive species to thrive after years of extended dry conditions.

“The ACT Government is already actively controlling this unwanted weed growth. Now we are funding additional invasive species management for our parks and reserves, including a major effort to manage incursions of weeds such as Coolatai Grass,” Minister Gentleman said

“Six Ngunnawal rangers will also be permanently brought on to care for Country, tackling weeds, repairing tracks and trails, and educating the community about conservation of nature and culture. This builds on the success of the six casual Ngunnawal Rangers hired as part of governments COVID-19 economic recovery program.”

Quotes attributable to Shane Rattenbury, Minister for Water:

Minister for Water Shane Rattenbury said the ACT’s lakes, rivers and wetlands are essential to biodiversity and are a much-loved part of what makes Canberra a great place to live.

“Our work to create urban wetlands has already increased plant and animal life around Canberra, while improving water quality and providing great spaces for recreation,” Minister Rattenbury said.

“This funding will build on the success of the ACT Healthy Waterways program, which saw $93.5 million spent on 25 new water quality infrastructure projects last term. It will improve the health of our lakes, creeks and rivers by building wetlands and installing pollutant traps to clean and filter water as it flows through the city and into our lakes.

"These aquatic ecosystems are part of what makes Canberra a great place to live – for people and wildlife, and it’s important that we protect and restore them.”