Covid recovery pathway must put people in need first


The ACT Government has today agreed to develop a ‘social recovery plan’, proposed by Andrew Braddock MLA, that considers the most impacted and marginalised groups first, and ensures Canberrans have a genuine say about what they need to recover from the pandemic.

“It’s true that some people will be able to go back to a relatively normal life as soon as restrictions ease, but the recovery will be much slower and harder for many people in our community and we need to prioritise these people in the ACT’s recovery plan,” Mr Braddock said.

“The pandemic has made inequality worse. The separation between people who have the fundamentals of a decent life, and those who don’t, has never been starker. The Federal Government is determined to rip their reduced support away from people as soon as possible, leaving thousands of people in the ACT in significant strife.

“Canberra has, in my opinion, the most progressive and caring government in Australia. Now we have an obligation to provide strategic advice and tangible support to help our most vulnerable Canberrans recover from the pandemic. That’s why this motion calls on the leaders of all parties in the ACT Legislative Assembly to write to the federal leaders of their respective political parties, calling for an increase to and an indexation of all social security payments so that these are above the Henderson Poverty Line.

“It’s essential that the plan is developed together with impacted people and the wider community. This will give assurance to these Canberrans that they are not being left behind,” said Mr Braddock. 

“The plan should also include a pathway to rebuild Canberra’s social fabric, through the safe re-introduction of activities, and educational and volunteering opportunities, with a focus on community building and inclusion.

“The ACT Greens bring into this assembly a deep commitment to grassroots participatory democracy, and to social justice This motion reflects our commitment to working closely with and for the community, first and foremost.”

Having now been agreed to, the plan’s development will be underpinned by the ACT Wellbeing Framework, with a particular focus on living standardsaccess to connectivity and social connection

“I want every Canberran to be able to move freely around our city, access the services they need, to have the financial resources they need to live well and to be connected with family, friends and their community.”