
The ACT Greens have today announced an ambitious plan to ensure cycling is an accessible, affordable and realistic option for people to choose to get around the city. 

“The ACT Greens want walking and bike riding to be a genuine, appealing option for more Canberrans,” said ACT Greens MLA for Ginninderra Jo Clay. 

“We know that many more Canberrans would like to ride or scoot to school, local shops or work but the reality is that many parts of our city are just not set up for it.

“Canberra has been built for cars and lacks the city-wide infrastructure that would make riding a genuine option for more people. 

“Riding may not be an option for everyone, but without making it safe and easy by building and maintaining more paths, it risks not being a viable option for anyone in our city. 

The Greens plan would see a city-wide off-road bike network delivered by 2030, based on the cycling network plan in the ACT Government's Active travel plan. 

“Many who ride around Canberra at the moment have to ride on the road and rely on the thin, painted bike lanes. 

“Paint is not infrastructure and these lines provide little to no real safety. The danger of riding on the road discourages many from getting on the bike, particularly women and children. 

“That’s why our plan focuses on off-road bike paths, giving real safety for anyone who wants to cycle. 

Recontesting Greens MLA for Brindabella Laura Nuttall said that the plan to provide $500 rebates for electric and cargo bikes would be a particularly helpful boost for young people and renters. 

“Young people overwhelmingly tell me they want to be able to afford to get around Canberra”, Miss Nuttall said.

“Often, sustainability is considered a luxury for those with money, and it actually shouldn’t be. At the moment, financial support for sustainability is overwhelmingly going to homeowners and people who drive, and not towards renters and those who walk or ride. 

The Greens plan would establish a $5 million fund to provide up to 10,000 rebates of $500 to help purchase e-bikes in the ACT. 

“Along with more safe and well maintained paths, having the financial support to be able to buy an e-bike could help more Canberrans get around Canberra easily, sustainably and efficiently. 

Ms Nuttall also noted that to make bike riding a realistic commuting option for more Canberrans there needed to be a drastic increase in bike parking and storage. 

“Before I had a car, I really wanted to ride to work, but I needed to know I had somewhere to put my bike and come back to it at the end of the day. 

The Greens bike parking plan will see all ACT Government workplaces with more than 20 regular employees have modern end-of-trip facilities and secure bike storage.

“I’m really excited about this aspect of the policy, because for many who are up for a ride to work this could be the deciding factor which actually lets them do it. 

“I’m also thrilled that we’re going to make sure that schools have bike storage facilities equivalent to one third of the maximum enrolled students, at the very least”, said Miss Nuttall, who is also the ACT Greens education spokesperson. 

“Along with our range of safety measures and programs like the bike bus, this will be a massive help in encouraging kids to ride to school where they can. 

The plan will also increase overall bike parking facilities around the city in places such as town centres and bus stops. 

“This plan will allow people to ride to bus stops, the local shops or to cafes to meet a friend. In other words, this will make cycling a real way to get around Canberra”, said Miss Nuttall. 

Ms Clay and Ms Nuttall announced the new bike policy with the Lyneham Bike Bus crew, which helps kids in Lyneham ride to school safely with supervising adults.

Among the volunteers who run the Bike Bus are Paris Lord and Kate Bradney, founder of Canberra by Bike, who welcomed the Greens new policy. 

“We are pleased that some political parties and candidates have policies and ideas about how to end car dependence and give people transport options,” said Canberra by Bike founder, Paris Lord, who runs the Lyneham Primary Bike Bus with Kate Bradney from Walk Cycle Lyneham and Beyond.

“Grassroots actions like the Lyneham bike bus involve local parents and carers who ensure children arrive at school happy, energised, and ready to learn, while developing their independence.

“We’re sure other parts of Canberra want their own bike bus because they’re a wave of joy which also eases local traffic congestion. The next government can encourage them by calming our streets, and working with local communities who know where the missing links are, and how to fuse them.”

“So many kids and parents want to walk or ride to school, it’s brilliant to see community initiatives ensuring it’s safe to do so,” said Ms Clay. 

“The volunteer work of everyone involved in the program is simply phenomenal and the Greens have been more than happy to do what we can to help out. 

“Better and safer  paths and bike storage could go a long way to encouraging more kids to safely ride to school. 

The ACT Greens full bike policy can be found here.