Greens motion recognises a healthy environment as a human right


The ACT Greens are calling on the ACT Government to ensure Canberrans have the right to a healthy environment by including it in the Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT). This would make the ACT the first Australian jurisdiction to recognise a healthy environment as a human right.

“The Right to a Healthy Environment means ensuring Canberrans have a right to clean air, a safe climate, healthy ecosystems and biodiversity. This is essential if we want healthy and sustainably produced food, clean water and a healthy planet”, said Jo Clay, ACT Greens MLA for Ginninderra.

“COVID has also shown us all the importance of our local environment. Many of us have been out walking, riding and playing in our local places and we understand more than ever how important these are.

“While the ACT was the first Australian State or Territory to have a Human Rights Act, we do not yet have the right to a healthy environment in our Act. 

“The UN passed a resolution at the end of last year on the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. An overwhelming majority of United Nations Member States already recognise this right, including the United Kingdom, France, the Philippines and Colombia. No Australian State or Territory has a right to a Healthy Environment.

“The ACT Greens were really pleased to take the Right to a Healthy Environment to the 2020 ACT Election, and to see this commitment in the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement.

“As the most progressive jurisdiction in Australia, it’s time for the ACT to once again lead the way when it comes to caring for our environment.”

The following can be attributed to Australian Lawyers for Human Rights President, Kerry Weste: 

“Following international recognition of the human right to a clean and healthy environment at the United Nations Human Rights Council last year, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the continued leadership of the ACT Legislative Assembly in progressing towards protection of this fundamental right in law. 

“Virtually all of the human rights that Australia has agreed to uphold in core international instruments,  as well as the rights currently protected in the ACT Human Rights Act, depend on a healthy environment as a precondition to their realisation."

The following can be attributed to GreenLaw research advocate, Peta Bulling: 

“In the era of climate change, environmental degradation and biodiversity crisis, the time to enshrine the right to a healthy environment in our law is now. Our society is in transition, and we must recognise the rights of our most vulnerable, as well as those of present and future generations to be free from the impacts of environmental harms and to have access to the human rights benefits of a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

“We commend the leadership of this Assembly in upholding our human rights for the benefit of current and future generations, especially those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. A healthy environment is a precondition for the achievement of all of our human rights, and the ability of every generation that follows to survive and flourish.”

The following can be attributed to ACT Greens candidate for Canberra, Tim Hollo: 

“One of the things that makes Canberra so special is that we really are the Bush Capital, living together with gang gangs and shinglebacks, possums and pardalotes, and our lives are so much better for it. It’s not just the joy we get from living with nature - it’s the recognition that our lives are part of something so much bigger.

“With fires and smoke and pandemic, the last two years have really brought home for us all that our lives and health are absolutely dependent on a healthy environment. It’s wonderful to see the ACT moving in this direction, and once again leading the way for the rest of Australia.”