Letter to our Canberra School Strikers for Climate (ACT Greens)


Congratulations to all the school students involved in the climate strike. You are admirable young leaders and you’re to be congratulated for your dedication and passion. Your actions are changing the future. You’re making an important difference.

I know that you’re taking this action because you care - you care about the future, about people, and about the planet. I'm proud of Australia's young people for showing this deep passion and global empathy. These are some of the best qualities you can have. You're already receiving a good education if you understand climate change, the actions that are needed to combat it, and you’re willing to sacrifice your time and energy to make sure there is action.

You’re right: we're experiencing a climate emergency and the adults aren’t dealing with it. The weather is becoming more extreme. We're approaching dangerous environmental tipping points. Animals are becoming extinct. The climate is warming. No one aged under 40 has lived in a year with global average temperatures below those of last century. We need to take action or the environmental, social and economic results of climate change will become increasingly perilous.

Meanwhile we have so-called leaders who deny climate change exists, who ignore scientific evidence, who want to build giant coal mines and coal fired power stations.

Maybe these people need to go back to school. You may be missing a day of school but you’re already smarter than many of our supposed adult leaders. They don’t seem to care about your future, and you are justified in fighting back and demanding better.

Climate change is bad, but don’t give up. The solutions to climate change are there for us to grab: renewable energy, clean and green transport, sustainable agriculture, leadership that emphasise compassion and sustainability. The technology and policies are all achievable.

You can change the future and I believe that you will. History is full of examples of people like you demanding change and achieving it. You are making a powerful statement and making a difference. I’m inspired by your actions and inspired to know the future is in such good hands.