2024 Heritage Grant recipients announced


Thirteen community projects will receive a share of $206,500 through the ACT Heritage Grants program that aims to celebrate and conserve the ACT’s rich and storied shared history. 

Minister for Heritage Rebecca Vassarotti said the projects selected will help Canberrans continue to commemorate many years of culture, stories and history together. 

"There are so many ways to celebrate Canberra’s history and explore our heritage together, and the projects we’ve funded have shown the creativity and passion that Canberrans have for our communities,” Minister Vassarotti said. 

“Funding this year has been prioritised for projects that seek to conserve and promote the diverse heritage of our region, and enhance local and visitor experiences. 

“The ACT Government continues to see high quality projects delivered through this program, with 22 events at this year’s Canberra and Region Heritage Festival funded from these grants. One of these events was the Canberra Raiders ‘Bleeding Green Interviews’, sharing tales of people who have influenced and shaped the club as we know it today. 

“The 2024-25 projects will deliver the restoration of heritage places and objects, oral histories and publications that showcase ACT’s rich history, and tours that will encourage Canberrans to explore our regions culture and environment. 

“The grants will also support additional signs for the Canberra Tracks network, showcasing more great history of places around our city. The Canberra Tracks walking tours and signs are always popular with Canberrans and visitors, and it’s exciting to see it grow. 

“The ACT has a rich history that includes First Nations heritage. It’s important to enhance local and visitor experiences to promote our identity, as well as the stories and locations of historical and cultural significance. 

“I invite everyone to get out into your local community and explore our culture and our environment, and see how our history has shaped Canberra into what it is today,” Minister Vassarotti said. 

The ACT Heritage Grants Program will fund 13 individual or community group projects to the value of $206,500. The 2024-25 individual recipients and projects for the ACT Heritage Grants Program are: 

  • Cuppacumbalong: Roof Conservation Works - $63,500 
  • Tidbinbilla Pioneers Association: Oral Histories in the modern era - $22,200 
  • Tidbinbilla Pioneers Association: Rock Valley Homestead Conservation Works - $17,000 
  • Canberra Baptist Church: Conservation Management Plan - $15,525 
  • Trevor Lipscombe: Griffith Weston Forest Trail Guidebook - $2,500 
  • Canberra & District Historical Society: Digitisation of Limestone Plains photographs - $780 
  • Hall Heritage Centre: Lyall Gillespie and the story of Ginninderra - $3,225 
  • Yarralumla Residents Association: Discovering and Valuing Yarralumla Heritage - $9,850 
  • Nick Swain: A History of the Mugga Lane area - $5,040 
  • Woodlands & Wetlands Trust: Canberra Tracks geo heritage trail at Mulligans Flat - $20,200 
  • University of Canberra: A City by Design - $32,500 
  • Theatre Organ Society of Australia: Compton Organ maintenance, Albert Hall - $4,680 
  • Free Serbian Orthodox Church St George: Murals Restoration works - $9,500 

Find out more about the ACT Heritage Grants program on the ACT Government Environment website.