40 is good, BUT 540 is what's needed


It’s good that the next ACT Indicative Land Release Program will deliver another 40 public homes, but with more than 3,000 waiting, what’s needed is the Green’s Plan to build and buy 10,000 public homes over ten years.

“We can’t solve the housing crisis by continuing with business as usual," said Deputy Leader of the ACT Greens, Rebecca Vassarotti.  

“With the disappointing level of investment from Federal Labor into public and affordable housing, the only choice is for the ACT Government to step up. 

“In the first year of the ACT Greens’ independently modelled plan to deliver more public housing, we will deliver 540 new public homes.

“Under the Greens plan, we will scale up our very own government builder and developer to deliver more homes per year.

“That means that over the next 10 years, the Greens will deliver 10,000 new public homes all across Canberra. 

“Even better, enough of these homes will be built in the first four years to give every single person on the public housing waiting list a safe place to sleep.

“All of this is possible, but only if you vote for it. 

“For years, governments across the country have decided that housing is a fantastic investment for everyone except themselves. 

“There was a time when governments understood they needed to provide homes as an essential service, like health or education. The Greens stand ready to deliver.”

For more information about the ACT Greens plan to build and buy 10,000 public homes over the next ten years, visit the ACT Greens website.