Future looks bright for the endangered Small Purple Pea


The ACT Government, in collaboration with the Australian National Botanical Gardens, is undertaking a translocation project to re-establish wild and self-sustaining populations of the Small Purple Pea (Swainsona recta) in the ACT region.

Minister for the Environment Rebecca Vassarotti said that the translocation of the small herb from the Australian National Botanical Gardens into the wild is important to help conserve and restore the delicate ecosystems of the Territory.

“The Small Purple Pea is nationally and locally listed as an endangered species, but its role in our local environment is important to maintain our unique biodiversity,” Minister Vassarotti said.

“These plants grow in grassy woodlands throughout the ACT, NSW and Victoria, but they’ve been on the decline in recent years.

“The ACT Government will be carrying out plantings at multiple sites across Canberra to boost some existing populations, and help foster their growth in different areas to support the species surviving and thriving on their own into the future.

“We’ve already seen some success with the species and prospects look good for populations to be successfully rewilded into our reserves.

“As September is Biodiversity Month, it’s a poignant reminder that the biodiversity we love in our hometown isn’t just the animals that live here, it’s the plants and grass that they live and feed on as well. As we approach the warmer months and head into Spring, I encourage you all to head out to a reserve and see what’s blooming.”

You can learn more about the Small Purple Pea on the ACT Government’s Environment website.

Learn more about the National Seed Bank on the Australian National Botanical Garden website.