
ACT Greens MLA for Ginninderra, Jo Clay, will today call on the ACT Government to build a much needed primary and secondary school for Belconnen Town Centre’s growing population.

“Belconnen Town Centre is one of the fastest growing areas in Canberra, but it still doesn’t have a primary or a secondary school,” said Ms Clay.

“Many parents want their kids to be able to walk or ride to school. But at the moment, this would mean up to two hours of travel per day, just to get your kid to and from the “local” school.

“More families are moving into the area, but they have to look elsewhere for their kids’ education.

“To date, the ACT government has encouraged the parents of the almost 600 kids under ten in the area to send their kids to Macquarie Primary or Florey Primary. These are great schools but, given they’re more than a half hour walk away from the town centre, they’re not local.

“On top of the over 5,000 homes already in the area, there are more than 3,300 expected to be built in the next decade. If we want more families to move into those homes, they’re going to need a quality school.  

If passed, the motion would require the ACT Government to commit to building a new primary and secondary school, subject to the results of a feasibility study.

“We’ve heard from the community consistently that this is necessary, with budget submissions from both the Belconnen Community Council and the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations asking the government to prioritise it.

“It’s clear that the people of Belconnen need a dedicated school in the Town Centre and I hope I have the support of my Assembly colleagues in this important initiative,” said Ms Clay.