Keeping our environmental safeguards relevant in the face of a climate crisis


The ACT Government is asking for the community to submit their point of view on how we can continue to protect our native plants, wildlife and natural habitat in the face of the climate crisis.

As part of a 10-year statutory review of the Nature Conservation Act 2014, the Government is seeking community views on both the legislation and policy framework that govern our environmental safeguards here in Canberra.

Minister for the Environment, Parks and Land Management said the review was an important process to keep our legislation and strategy modern, effective, and adaptable to both a rapidly growing city, and a warming threatening climate.

“In a climate crisis, we need to remain alert and responsive to the emerging needs of the environment and how we can best protect it, both through our practice and our laws.

“Federally, we’ve already seen what antiquated environmental laws can do to our ecosystems, with laws put in place by the Federal Government increasingly failing to stop destruction and protect species.

“Here in the ACT, we have our very own environment laws, the Nature Conservation Act, which sets out the overall vision and direction for how we manage and protect ecosystems under threat.

“These laws define the rules and responsibilities that everyone must follow when it comes to conserving and protecting our environment, including penalties and offences for breaching the Act.

“It’s something that affects every Canberran, which is why we need your feedback to make sure we’re getting the rules right.

“As part of this project, we’re also asking for feedback on the ACT Nature Conservation Strategy. The Strategy defines the practical steps we can take to achieve the overall vision outlined in the Act.

“In reviewing the Act and the Strategy, we’ll also be seeking to learn from innovation and best practice in conservation legislation and policy across Australia and around the world.”

To contribute to the Nature Conservation Act Review, read the discussion paper and complete the online survey on the ACT Government’s YourSay Conversations webpage

Consultation closes on 1 July 2024.