Report highlights progress and improvement opportunities in Disability Justice Strategy


A new evaluation report on the ACT’s Disability Justice Strategy – First Action Plan highlights strides made in improving access to justice for people with disability, while also identifying areas where efforts can further improve experiences in the justice system.

The Disability Justice Strategy 2019-2029 is a ten-year plan developed by the Justice and Community Safety Directorate and the ACT Office for Disability in the Community Services Directorate. The Strategy aims to ensure people with disability in the Territory have equal access to justice. The First Action Plan, which guided the first four years of work, included a range of actions and commitments aligned with the goals of the Strategy.

The independent report found that the First Action Plan has successfully raised awareness of disability across justice agencies, enhanced staff knowledge and understanding of disability, and led to an increase in the screening and identification of disability and in assessments for individuals with disability indicators.

Key findings of the independent report include:

  • Positive shifts in awareness of disability justice within agencies.
  • The crucial role of Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) in supporting individuals with disability in navigating the justice system.
  • Increased staff knowledge and understanding of disability, leading to more appropriate and effective service delivery.
  • Increased referrals and assessments for people with disability, enabling early intervention and support.
  • Stronger collaboration between agencies, ensuring a more seamless experience for individuals with disability.

The report also identified opportunities for improvement, including:

  • The need for greater organisational commitment to prioritise disability justice.
  • Further development of education and training programs for staff.
  • The implementation of Disability Action and Inclusion Plans across all agencies.
  • Addressing the intersectional needs of diverse populations of people with disability.
  • Expanding collaboration with sectors beyond the justice system.

The ACT Government is currently developing the Second Action Plan of the Disability Justice Strategy for release later in 2024.

Development of the Second Action Plan has been informed by the independent evaluation report, consultation with government and non-government justice stakeholders, and the voices of people with disability.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury

“This evaluation demonstrates the ACT Government's commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable justice system. We have made significant progress, but we know there is more work to be done to ensure that people with disability have the same opportunities for justice as everyone else.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections and Justice Health Emma Davidson

A justice system that considers the person as a whole and supports their needs leads to better rehabilitative outcomes. This evaluation highlights how our justice health services have increased referrals and assessments for people with disability. Finding that someone has a disability and providing the right support for them can be transformative - it is part of how we support their rehabilitation and eventual return to the community, so they are released with better prospects and less likelihood of engaging in harmful behaviour.   

*Quotes from Labor Ministers have been removed from the original ACT government media release at their request.