Tepid & Visionless: Major Parties Miss the Point as They Push Same Old Tired Policies


Today, the ACT Greens have called out the Canberra Liberals and ACT Labor for failing to release any new policies on public housing one month out from an election where cost of living and housing are major issues for Canberrans. 

“In a cost of living crisis that reaches every edge of our society, from young people to retirees, we need bold and transformative solutions to move towards a fairer future for everyone,” said Deputy Leader of the ACT Greens Rebecca Vassarotti.

“For years, the Liberals and Labor have tried to use the market to fix a housing affordability crisis the market has created. The only way we can stop this madness is by making the government invest in building housing people can actually afford.

“Supply alone isn’t going to magically solve this crisis, nor is only investing in community housing which is still beholden to market fluctuations. For the sake of stable, affordable rents - the ACT Government must step in to build public homes.

“Even if the Canberra Liberals could provide homes people could afford, their plan would see all of them built a half hour outside of every existing service in the city - away from Canberrans’ friends, families, doctors, schools and more - it’s not only poor design, it's just cruel. 

“Really, the thing the Canberra Liberals need to realise is that Canberrans who live in affordable homes are people too. They’re not just another box to tick. 

“As CEO of ACTCOSS Devin Bowles said early this week, only the ACT Greens have a plan for public housing bold enough and ambitious enough to fix this crisis.

“This election, the ACT Greens have committed to building and buying 10,000 public homes over the next ten years to give Canberrans quality homes that people can actually afford to rent. 

“There is a clear contest this election - we have real crises we need to address and we can’t keep voting for the same major parties and expecting a different result. My message to Canberrans is this - real action on the housing crisis is possible, all you have to do is vote for it."

Our full plan to build public housing is available on the ACT Greens website.