More investment needed in “neglected” Woden: ACT Greens


The ACT Greens have today welcomed the Planning and Urban Renewal Committee’s report into the Woden Territory Plan Variation (TPV), with the Committee backing community calls for substantial improvements to the area.

“It’s no secret that Woden is desperate need of renewal,” ACT Greens planning spokesperson and Member for Murrumbidgee Caroline Le Couteur said today.

“Sadly Woden has seen the closure of too many community and recreation facilities, most recently the CIT.  The Committee listened to the concerns of the local community, and developed a suite of recommendations to reverse this decline.

“This includes the reservation of a large, flexible site for future community facilities, and funding a plan to provide more community and recreation facilities.”

Ms Le Couteur also welcomed the announcement of additional measures to prevent overshadowing at Woden Town Square and existing homes. “I have been concerned about the proposed tall buildings, and potential overshadowing, for some time,” Ms Le Couteur said.

In response to concerns from the community, the Committee has also recommended:

  • That there be sufficient sunlight (solar access) in Woden Town Square;
  • That areas are provided with at least three hours of sun (solar access) each day;
  • A proposed four-storey extra building height bonus is provided only for developments that provide a community benefit, such as social housing;
  • Scaling back or preferably cancelling the rezoning of Arabanoo Park;
  • Capping the scale and height of the re-development of the former Tradies site;
  • Identifying and protecting an entertainment area suitable for night-time use such as restaurants, bars and live music; and
  • Ensuring the main walking and cycling paths are protected in the planning rules.

“Implementing the full raft of the Committee’s recommendations cannot be done by planning changes alone—it will require significant government investment,” Ms Le Couteur said.

“With the territory plan nearly finalised, it’s time for the Government to get on with the job of investing in Woden to bring life back to our Town Centre, for the benefit of all Woden and Canberra residents.”
This TPV puts into place the planning aspects of the Woden Master Plan.

Statement ends