The ACT Greens have called on Labor Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek to revoke the Canberra Airport’s approval to build a 35 metre wide road which will bisect the habitat of critically endangered species and push the Canberra Grassland Earless Dragon further into extinction.
Deputy Leader of the ACT Greens Jo Clay said that despite the community’s best efforts, the Northern Road development at the Canberra Airport precinct will likely see one of the last three remaining dragon populations perish.
“Labor talks a big game to protect the environment with promises of no new extinctions under their watch. But when action is needed, they simply sit back, fold to developers and put our species and ecosystems at risk of extinction,” Ms Clay said.
“This road is not needed - I understand its main function is to serve as a private, VIP road for people like Dutton and Albo. It’s another example of Labor being more connected to the needs of developers and big corporations than everyday people and our planet.
“Across Australia there are very few patches of Natural Temperate Grassland the size of the area that the Northern Road will bisect. This road will fragment the population and could make one of our last three dragon populations extinct. How much more destruction must there be until Labor says enough is enough?”
In 2023, the former ACT Greens Environment Minister and community secured a commitment from Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to reconsider protections for the earless dragon before this road progresses.
“There has been no transparency or explanation from the Minister on why this work was allowed to commence. This site is critical for the dragon and other threatened species. She committed to no new extinctions but she is watching another happen all over again,” said Isabel Mudford, Greens candidate for Canberra.
“Tanya Plibersek must halt this project before the Federal caretaker period commences - otherwise we will see another species become extinct under hers and the Albanese Government’s watch.
”Our national environmental laws have been failing for years - Labor have thrown in the towel this term to fundamentally reform our systems.
“With Greens in the balance of power we can deliver environmental laws that prevent destructive developments like this one, and hold corporations to account for the damage they cause,” said Ms Mudford.
- The Northern Road Development was granted approval in 2009 under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, subject to varied conditions. These conditions were set without any consultation with the ACT Government. A Grassland Earless Dragon Recovery Team was responsible for implementing a Recovery Plan at that time. They advised the road would have minimal impact on the population if it went around the core habitat area.
- In 2023 the Canberra Grassland Earless Dragon was up-listed to ‘critically endangered’ - the last stop before extinction. The Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek committed to reconsider protections for the earless dragon before this road progresses.
- The ACT Government 2024-25 budget included funding for emergency response measures to rescue the Canberra Earless Dragon from extinction.
- Construction was first reported by the media on Monday 24 February 2025. In these articles, Canberra Airport Group are reported to have agreed to pause road construction.
- Following news coverage, the ACT Greens contacted both Minister Plibersek’s office and the Canberra Airport Group on 25 February 2025. This was followed up with a formal letter to Minister Plibersek on Wednesday 5 March 2025. To date, there has been no response.
- The ACT Greens formally wrote to the ACT Chief Minister and ACT Environment Minister on Sunday 2 March 2025 seeking urgent action to elevate the issue with their Federal counterparts and ensure the Canberra Airport Road does not make a species extinct.
- The Australian Greens wrote to Minister Plibersek on Thursday 6 March 2025 calling for the Minister to intervene and revoke the road development.
- The ACT Greens were alerted on Thursday 13 March 2025 that construction has recommenced on the road. Ms Clay visited the site and confirmed construction vehicles operating on Friday 14 March 2025.