New electric vehicle charging outlook to guide future investment


A new Electric Vehicle Charging Outlook for the ACT has been released today, providing guidance for industry to ensure a strategic rollout of public charging stations.

Minister for Emissions Reduction Shane Rattenbury said that the outlook provides industry with information on expected trends in electric vehicle uptake, population density and electricity grid capability that will help to enable efficient and strategic investment in the ACT’s growing charging network.

“Canberrans are serious about climate action, so it is no surprise that the number of electric cars registered in Canberra has doubled in the past year, with around 750 more electric cars on ACT roads,” Minister Rattenbury said.

“This EV charging outlook is important because we expect that the ACT will need at least 600 to 1,000 public charging stations by 2030 to support the shift to electric vehicles. We want industry and investors to use this outlook to help them deliver charging infrastructure that is designed for people, making it as convenient as possible.

“The charging outlook sends a strong signal that the ACT is ready to receive further investment in our charging network to support the transition to electric vehicles.  It will inform the delivery of the 50 new public charging stations the ACT Government has committed to build across the ACT in 2022.

“Making it easier for Canberrans to access efficient and reliable chargers will help place ‘range anxiety’ firmly in the backseat for those considering purchasing an electric vehicle, as well as for visitors to our region.

“In particular, the outlook focuses on making sure we meet the charging needs of people living in apartments. While some apartment buildings will be able to accommodate EV charging, others may not. We want to prioritise public charging that provides a convenient solution for people living in apartments, so they can benefit from the transition to electric vehicles too.

“Canberra has some of the most generous financial incentives in the country for the purchase of zero emissions vehicles. Last week, the ACT Government opened applications for Canberrans to access zero interest loans for the purchase of zero-emission vehicles, on top of two years of free registration and stamp duty exemption for new vehicles.”

To view the zero-emissions vehicle charging infrastructure outlook, visit the Environment Directorate website.

If you’re thinking of switching to a zero emissions vehicle, find out more about a range of government incentives on offer by visiting the Everyday Climate Choices website.