Personal message on the aftermath of The Voice referendum


Personal message from Minister Shane Rattenbury, Leader ACT Greens, on the aftermath of the Voice referendum

The Uluru Statement generously invited us to walk with First Nations people for a better Australia. I am deeply saddened that despite the strong support shown by Canberra residents, our nation has not accepted that generous offer.

Millions of people in Canberra and across Australia have demonstrated that we understand the importance of First Nation’s Voices and embraced the need to step up and face our history, to move beyond the injustice and dispossession that has been a feature of the last two centuries.

We must now take other steps to build a better future for our nation, and work with First Nations Communities and leaders to build our journey to reconciliation and improve the lives of First Nations People.

As the results from the Federal Referendum continue to be dissected, I want to acknowledge the pain and sadness many people are feeling and confusion over the divisive discourse and disinformation that continues to circulate in the media.

While there was a legitimate conversation to be had in this referendum, I am deeply concerned by some of the outlandish claims made by some parties that clearly have no basis in the truth. This is a dangerous path, and as a community, we need to demand a higher standard if we want to protect our democracy and our own emotional wellbeing.

Many First Nations people and Yes campaign volunteers who worked so tirelessly to support the Voice may be feeling disheartened or distressed by the outcome, and I encourage everyone to reach out to your friends and family to offer kindness and support – and maybe take a bit of time out from social media and the endless new cycle if it’s all feeling too toxic.

Be gentle on yourselves too this week friends, and please know that you are not alone – support is always available if you need it.

Lifeline on 13 11 14

Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800

Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support is available at 13YARN or 139276

You can also find help in person at Safe Haven in Belconnen, open 3pm -10pm Tuesday - Saturday

And at Head2Health in the city, open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday

or 8:30am -6:30pm Tuesday and Thursday